Border Crossing Role Play (A2 +)

Border crossing role play. Take turns being the officer and the person who wants to enter the country.

1.) Read through the interview questions that an immigration officer is likely to ask.
2.) Take turns asking the questions in a serious tone of voice.

Let me see your passport, please.
What is your full name?
How do you spell your last name?
What is your current address?
What is your phone number?
Are you traveling alone or with anyone else?
Are you traveling for business, pleasure, or another reason?
Where do you plan to stay in the country? What is the address?
Who do you plan to stay with?
Have you been in the country before? (If so, when?)
How long do you plan to stay?
Do you plan to work while you are here? (If so, who is your employer?)
What funds do you have to support yourself?
Are you carrying any agricultural products, animals, weapons, medications, or goods for sale?